Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Sorry folks, some random bug has wiped me out this week, so it’s about all I can do to type a few words. By way of apology, here are some of my favourite recent Notes From The Universe – you can subscribe to daily updates of inspiring messages at www.tut.com.

- Just curious, when was the last time you looked into a mirror and addressed yourself as "Gorgeous," "Magnificent," or "Sublime"? It matters.

- Never underestimate how many friends you have, how close you are, and how much fun you're going to have. Because, as you've seen throughout your entire amazing life, one usually gets exactly what they've been estimating.

- Sometimes when you're ready for a change, and you kind of know it but won't admit it, when it comes, not only are you surprised, but it hurts. Yeah, I know that doesn't help much, unless you remember the "ready" part. Because there is simply no change that might ever transpire in time and space that happens before you're fully able to use it for your own growth and glory.

- If you look closely enough, intent upon understanding those things that cause you great pain and consternation, ultimately, I promise you, you'll find great joy and illumination.

- Simply imagine happiness, your own happiness. Feel the smile stretching across your face, notice the lightness in your step, hear the sparkle in your voice, and all things, material and spiritual, will dance to the beat of your drums.

- Haven't I always shown up with the right idea, at the right time, to spin your head and rock your world, when you least expected it? Give yourself this rest you've earned. You're my butterfly.

- Until you dream there isn't a mold. Until you speak, there isn't a promise. And until you move, there isn't a path. Yet do these simple things and you totally own me.

- No one ever regrets raising the bar, ever, ever, ever. Scare yourself.

Normal service will be resumed next week. Be fabulous.

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